Sunday 11 September 2011

Sunday Canadian Corrie Comments, September 11

Right. So Nick and Leanne have done the deed. She's horrified and he's smug. See? It proves she really does love him. No, it proves she's got a case of the pre-wedding jitters combined with a case of old hurts unresolved. She tries to quit and he won't let her and she can't explain it to Peter who, in the meantime, has Carla and her newly discovered crush to deal with. Carla has fallen off the wagon and continues to drink and she's guessed that Leanne and Nick have had a fling. Hmmm can't be good to have that little bit of knowledge considering you want that woman's husband! She seems to use it as carte blanche to continue to persue Peter and go whining to him at every turn. Nick is very insidious isn't he? Making sly remarks and undermining Peter to Leanne. He's good at twisting and manipulating amd now Carla's getting her two pennies in, goading Nick and Leanne on. I guess she fitures that will leave the way clear for her to move in on Peter.

Meanwhile, Leanne is going to *start* organizing a wedding that's going to take place in a month. Right before Christmas, too. Good luck, lady. And having Carla as your bridesmaid? Oh the irony! Maybe Peter can ask Nick to be Best Man, too! Carla is now banned from driving but doesn't want anyone to know and Michelle is starting to be suspicious of Carla and Peter. I really don't see the point of Michelle. Leanne and Nick are now at it like rabbits and aren't even really being all that careful. She's even making her family suffer, she missed Simon's concert for a shag! That brings her up short. For a minute anyway.

Tyrone is dealing with devastation, arranging the funeral. Molly is dealing with devastating guilt. Is it just me or is anyone else enjoying watching her suffer? She deserves it after how she treated sweet Tyrone! Kevin continues to stalk her which pretty much wins him the idiot award of the week. Terry isn't going to come to the funeral, no surprise there that all he was interested in was the existence of a will and i'm sure it was all left to Tyrone anyway. The funeral, as expected, was a gut wrencher. (that was Cat Stevens' Father and Son playing at the start of the funeral). I'm not quite sure applauding the hearse as it goes by is quite the done thing even though  you know it's just out of respect for Jack but i found it a bit odd.

It's understandable that Tyrone might think of another baby right after the death of Jack but it's not really very good timing. No new mom with an infant wants to think about that again. Especially one that doesn't love her husband though Ty doesn't know that yet.  I'm actually with Molly on this one. Very bad timing and Tyrone dragging Kevin into the argument was childish. His new quest is going to push Molly right out the door now that she knows the baby isn't his anyway.

She's going whining back to Kevin but he doesn't want her or the baby in spite of all that stalking he's been doing about the baby being his and everything and she's completely delusional, thinking he really does want her, he just can't show it. He'll learn to love her!? Pah. I cheered when Pam called Kevin a waste of skin, i really did. She's also trying to tell Molly a few hard truths but Molly's not listening. She's really in La La Land isn't she?

Carla should have Hayley as her chauffeur. She could admit to Hayley why she's lost her license, Hayley wouldn't tell anyone. Glad Sian and Sophie stood up to that Pastor.

Fiz is freaking out over the anonymous letters that Charlotte is sending and John keeps trying to put her off the scent. He makes me ill the way he has Fiz eating up his lies. He didn't know it's Charlotte, yet, but he knows it has to do with his involvement with Colin's death and that's enough to keep him twisting in the wind and desperate to keep Fiz away from the police. And yet he continues to lie like a rug, even lies that could be easily found out. He's another waste of skin.

Charlotte, in the meantime, is pretending to be getting the same letters and imploring John to come round to her place. Crush, much? Maybe she's a bit "Fatal Attraction"! Once Charlotte has got her hands on the house keys, though, things start to ramp up. Now she's making spy dvds and John starts to suspect her and nearly figures it out then but she manages to cover for a bit! She's really got him dancing to her tune now though. Jump! How high! Come here now, yes missus. But coincidentally having a special cake on his birthday with a fake story about a fake intruder to get him there, well the jig was up, that and finding Chesney's keys.
and now Charlotte has convinced herself that John is only with Fiz because he has to be and he wants her really. No he doesn't but he's going to have to pretend to keep Charlotte from going to Fiz and blowing it all up. I really think Charlotte has lost her tiny mind, now, suggesting that she can even call him Colin when he's with her! And he buckles under and lies to Fiz about spending an overnight to talk to Colin who's living somewhere distant in order that he spend a night at Charlotte's. Will he actually be unfaithful?

Now yet another twist in the corkscrew life that is Stapewich, Colin's elderly mother with a heart condition has come looking for her son, thinking he was living there because that was the address she got from the school in Rochdale, though how she knew he was teaching there, I don't know! She said one of Colin's pals said he was teaching in Rochdale but the only one that knew was Charlotte. She's dying, wants to see Colin again. Oh dear. How will you get out of that one, John? Turns out he didn't have to, Fiz directed her to the big bookshops in town.  So she went there and came all the way back to Coronation Street, with a bad heart and everything?

As soon as i heard them mention Jim McDonald's birthday and they spoke to him over the phone, i knew he'd be coming back! Yay! I've missed him, so I have! Wasn't it good to see him? I was anxiously awaiting a reunion with Liz and a clash with Owen. Not this week at least. Owen did divert Jim's invitation to Liz as a first shot across the bow. Owen continues to bully Eileen and she's continuing to dip into the cash. Oh that's going to come back to bit her, big time.

Michelle's getting on in the factory and complaining about having to open it herself. Um. that's part of the "trainee" bit, or didn't she get the memo? She's also not getting the orders right but come on, it's only her first week there and it's not really very fair for Carla to leave her on her own most of the time is it? "Trainee" also usually means someone is there to train you. I think someone like Hayley should have been appointed to assist, don't you?  Claire tells Ashley he means more to her than moving to France so he says he'll go. Why he didn't figure it out weeks ago, I don't know.

I loved Roy debating with Eddie on the proper alcohol for Christmas cake! Sophie's freaking out over her rejection from the church (which, while wrong, shouldn't surprise her either. Had she not been paying attention in Bible studies class? Surely she should have expected them to have an adverse reaction. Some churches are gay-friendly but the majority still are not). I"m glad Sophie stood up to the pastor in front of the choir, though. Good for her! s

Anna's going to read that letter from Gary to shreds but Gary has other things to worry about. He's injured and lost his best mate. Anna's worst nightmare even though Gary will recover. Physically at least. Nice little moment in the Rovers with a toast to the lads at war. Another wonderful little touch when we saw Eddie turning away from the sight of his injured son to "get a chair" and wipe a tear away. *gulp* Gary's home now and jumpy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Katy and Chesney want to move out on their own, proving that you really can't live on love and fresh air, or think you can when you're 16! Ches and Katy are blatantly flouting Owen's rules and John really couldn't care less. It figures.  Fiz is getting really ticked off and gives Owen a face full of gob for telling her off about Chesney. Don't forget, she might be mild but she's still Cilla's daughter. Owen finally admits defeat and allows Katy to live at Chesney's.

Graeme finally finds out that Ashley isn't coming back and worries about his job and is going to miss Ash terribly. Ashley did do a lot for Graeme after all.  No guarantee the shop would be sold to another butcher, after all. Graeme could try to buy the business but I don't think he's got much of a chance of getting a loan.

Meanwhile it took weeks for David's epilepsy tests to come back yet Kevin could get a DNA test in less than 24 hours. The courts should have used the same lab Kevin did! As expected, David does have it and that was probably the cause of the blackouts and accident. He and Graeme are friends again and Tina's going to be gong round with a knot in her face over it.

I'm away on holidays this week. I have used the updates from to make some notes for next week's Sunday comments but there will be posts here through the week as well, prepared before hand to celebrate the 50th anniversary and the tram crash episodes. Check back daily!

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