Sunday 21 March 2010

Sunday Comments, March 21

Lines of the week:

  • Julie "Everybody likes The Sound of Music" Eileen "Why? It's just nuns, Nazis and Lonely Goatherds"
  • Blanche to Peter's suggestion of "Grey"mail "I like you Peter. I always did"
  • Sally "I think brains are overrated" (That's not what you said when you shagged your boss so Rosie could get an education. Mind you. Rosie doesn't have brains anyway
  • Umed "A problem shared... " Audrey "Is a problem everybody knows about the next day"
  • Graeme to David "That crazy cat you once knew no longer inhabits this body"
  • Tony to Natasha "While I can ignore your non-existant personality and mind-numbing conversation, i think Jealousy is a very ugly trait in a person..." and "Don't ever upset Maria again. I'd hate for us to *really* fall out" um really?
  • Michelle "I'm just a bad girl, aren't i?" (that's one word for it)
  • David "When have i ever caused anybody any trouble?" (Yes, he was sarcastic)

Funniest scene ever: Hayley in the Cash and Carry seeing dozens of lifesized cutouts of Eddie as "Roy Cropper". Did you see her face??? It's like your worst nightmare isn't it? Eileen can't get rid of Julie now that Julie has decided they're going to be closerthanthis sisters. You couldn't get more opposite personalities even if the sisterhood circumstances were under better conditions.

Helping Chesney really is a lame excuse and i can't blame Sally for being upset after what she went through though she did go a bit overboard. Fiz says she'll give up John but you know she won't. She was on the phone to get a visiting order before Chesney was barely out of the door. Well at least she doesn't have to sneak around anymore. But she didn't break it off with John, he did with her, doing the right thing for a change, knowing it was making her life hell with her family and friends. There she is screaming and crying after him as they lead him away. Have a little dignity, Fiz! Have a little backbone! Oh no, sorry, Stape removed that already. Anyway Ches is back to school with a posse to protect him and he's being very cheeky and mouthy to Fiz. Fiz was definitely in the wrong but she doesn't deserve disrespect from Chesney either but i can't.

Michelle had a "holiday romance" with Luke and wasted no time having one with Peter after he gave her Eurostar tickets for Ryan. Who does she think she is? Rosie Webster? Please tell me there's not going to be a "Who's the Daddy" storyline in a few months? I don't blame Peter for getting picky about letting Michelle off early all the time if she's wandering in late and it's just to run around with another man. It had nothing to do with Ryan's alarm going off and everything to do with Luke's alarm, or something else going off in the morning. Peter found the right way to her heart, or bed at least, through her son. Getting concert tickets and buying Eurostar tickets were one thing, but defending her son against an angry father melted her little heart. So she's got Luke and Peter sulking because she's leaving, (Hey Peter... Leanne who?) both of them begging her not to go. And Luke telling Peter he's a dirty dog but really Michelle never made any committment to either one and with both of them scratching at her skirts, she probably should just get out of town and let them both cool their jets.

Joe should be more than happy to get rid of Gary instead of having to put up with him. Joe's pain seems to come and go, but by telling the doctor he's getting a bit better, she gave him weaker pills. Can you guess where his pain is really coming from? Can you say "Withdrawal"? Joe also seems to have a nasty side to him. Laughed at Lloyd's pub quiz questions, all to do with taxis! Blanche is back home. Ken wanted her back all along. She couldn't make it easy for him, though, and the "greymail" got something out of it for her. Odd though, he must be desperate because one of the things he objected to strongly about the time he met and took up with Martha was Blanche and Deirdre making plans for him to decorate her bedroom. It took Deirdre long enough to warm up again though you could see she wanted to.

I can see Norris is going to annoy me even more than normal with this half-brother storyline. Ramsay is a very nice man and had no bearing on Mrs. Cole's death. Norris is bound and determined Ramsay is not going to make any inroads and is well jealous that Ramsay is "using" his friends to get to him.

David is definitely setting Gary up for something. (oh, what happened to Gary's face? Did i miss him getting the tar beat out of him? What's with the black eye and scrapes or did the actor himself have an accident). Oh, right, I know exactly what David's plan is now. Why else would Audrey tell David all the flaws in her security system which seems to be on the blink? Can you say "break in"? Stitching up Gary!

Ryan's doing his very best to get his way with Sian. Can't blame him. Look at the example his mother sets. But somewhere Sian's father got the wrong impression and came gunning for Ryan! Thankfully Peter was there. Pretty cheap trying to bully a skinny teenager. Well how did he get the impression? She had condoms in her bag. What was her father doing rifling through her bag?

Amber caught Umed in one of his grand stories lol! Audrey came in ...saved by the Belle! ;) But he was in his glory with the tall stories trying to impress Audrey but he didn't impress Bill. But then Bill might have a few lingering jealous feelings there, too. The funny thing is that clearly, Audrey believes all his stories!

Tony was really harsh on Natasha for being bitchy to Maria wasn't he? Wow! He really went a bit too far. All he had to do was say "you're dumped". She warned off Maria and said he was bad news. Maria is going to take it like sour grapes and Tony is going to make it sound that way too but she's right. He IS bad news.

1 comment:

nwtrunner said...

I can't blame Luke and Peter - hell, I'd love to be with Michelle too.

That shiny shiny shiny hair.

And then - cliff diving might be involved, but at least shiny shiny shiny hair would have been first!

I'll get over it.

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